Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam condimentum ligula quis sollicitudin laoreet. Sed sit amet ante varius, tempus risus sit amet, ultricies nulla. Integer pretium lobortis tortor, non volutpat sem accumsan nec. Nulla semper arcu nec justo ultricies, quis tempus magna molestie. Integer eu ipsum non dui mollis rhoncus. In sit amet magna molestie, fermentum quam non, faucibus mi. Donec metus nisi, laoreet ac massa eu, tincidunt molestie nisl.
Nulla egestas vulputate tempor. Quisque eu commodo turpis. Etiam magna mi, pharetra at mollis vel, auctor at urna. Cras eget maximus ex. Praesent sed venenatis enim, in mattis dui. Aenean eu ligula hendrerit, pretium lectus tempor, consectetur urna. Pellentesque ullamcorper metus at lacus venenatis, a accumsan arcu blandit. Etiam metus tortor, efficitur in finibus sit amet, rutrum a urna. Aliquam erat volutpat.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam condimentum ligula quis sollicitudin laoreet. Sed sit amet ante varius, tempus risus sit amet, ultricies nulla. Integer pretium lobortis tortor, non volutpat sem accumsan nec. Nulla semper arcu nec justo ultricies, quis tempus magna molestie. Integer eu ipsum non dui mollis rhoncus. In sit amet magna molestie, fermentum quam non, faucibus mi. Donec metus nisi, laoreet ac massa eu, tincidunt molestie nisl.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam condimentum ligula quis sollicitudin laoreet. Sed sit amet ante varius, tempus risus sit amet, ultricies nulla. Integer pretium lobortis tortor, non volutpat sem accumsan nec. Nulla semper arcu nec justo ultricies, quis tempus magna molestie. Integer eu ipsum non dui mollis rhoncus. In sit amet magna molestie, fermentum quam non, faucibus mi. Donec metus nisi, laoreet ac massa eu, tincidunt molestie nisl.
Note: The root folder denoted further in this documentation refers to the 'template' folder inside the downloaded folder
Open up your FTP manager and connect to your hosting
Browse to required directory (Normally public_html)
Upload the files inside strong Main folder.
The KNQF is regulated through mechanisms intended to ensure compliance with the arrangements and requirements laid down for the qualifications system and to ensure that the system delivers qualifications of an acceptable quality. The following is a summary of the procedures shall be operated: STAGE 1: The institution shall get advice and documentation from the KNQA and undertakes a self-assessment against the criteria provided; The institution shall submit this, in the appropriate format and together with supporting evidence, to the KNQA; STAGE 2: The KNQA shall appoint and brief an expert panel to validate the application for accreditation; The panel shall consist of one or more experts from the Authority, together with one or more sector or subject experts appointed for this purpose by the KNQA Board. The expert panel shall: Evaluate the self-assessment report provided by the applicant institution; Visit the applicant institution; Complete a report and makes recommendations; Submit the report to KNQA and copies it to the institution. STAGE 3: The KNQA shall decide on the panel’s recommendations and inform the applicant institution; STAGE 4: The KNQA shall publish and gazette the accredited Institution, and issue the necessary documentation confirming the institution’s status as an accredited qualification awarding and/or assessment institution. For more details about the Accreditation Process, click here to download the Accreditation Process for Institution
To use another types button you have to link the related css file according to types of buttons in a head tag
# | First Name | Last Name | Username | Role | Country |
1 | Alexander | Orton | @mdorton | Admin | USA |
2 | John Deo | Deo | @johndeo | User | USA |
3 | Randy Orton | the Bird | admin | UK | |
4 | Randy Mark | Ottandy | @mdothe | user | AUS |
5 | Ram Jacob | Thornton | admin | IND |
We have used the following plugins in Serein admin